
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unimaginable to You to Paint on Canvas With an Area of ​​Thousands of Meters

Discuss the art may never be endless and there is no limitation in the pour. In fact, sometimes what is in the reason we can not reach what the imagery of artists. One example is the is Jamie Wardley (32), an artist from Bradford, England, who had the idea to expand the canvas of his artwork in order to satisfy his desire creativity.

Jamie chose a stretch of sand on the seashore as its media creativity.

Despite knowing the work will not be eternal because it is fast disappearing when AIT tides, but Jamie just loves the art of painting on sand beach.

"The tide will not wait when I created the painting is finished, but I should be able to finish my painting before the tides. This is a big challenge for me. Six hours is usually the time I spend to paint before painting I will be swept away by the waves, "said Jamie Wardley.

Jamie, who was previously an ice sculptor, is one of the few artists who want to spend time in the sand to form images of remarkable.

In the process of his work, Jamie is assisted by several colleagues to carve and dredge the sand up to create an image.

Bradford artist uses air photographer to take into account the scale of the land to be he was working, so that each picture to be made ​​to have the right size.

Image of Jamie's largest to date was after he drew a half-mile long sand with the help of 14 partners.

Jamie never describe a set of dolphins playing in the sea. In addition, he never depicts the silhouette of a mother and child, or just painting the sun-shaped ornament that is also the largest painting in the sand he had ever made ​​on a bed of sand in the coastal area of ​​Earlsferry, Scotland.
And here are some of his work are enough to make the eyes pop. (Achamad Zaenudin Ali).


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