
Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Born In The condition has been circumcised

PADANG, this baby's parents could not figure out to see her child born in a state of pubic already in circumcision.

There is no oddity in a two-month-old baby named Farhan Mufadhol it. Until now he was growing normally weighing around 7 pounds and 70 inches long.

Baby boy Taufik Iscan partner (47) and Murniyati (37), resident RT 04/07, Village Kotabaru, District Lubukbegalung, Padang, West Sumatra, born by Caesarean section. When removed from the abdomen, the doctor said that Farhan has been in a state already in circumcision.

There is no medical explanation how the baby was born May 9, 2011 were circumcised. Residents believe only the fifth child was circumcised by supernatural beings while still in the womb.

Despite two months, there are still people who are curious to see the condition of the child. Farhan's house was always filled with locals every day in amazement.

Taufik, Farhan's father that his daily work as construction laborers, hoping his son would become a successful person and kind to parents.

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